Top 3 NFT collections with Utility from Dotsama

8 min readMar 20, 2023


Creators and founders of NFT projects often promise to build the best games, DAOs, and utilities with NFTs they constantly cannot keep. They shill these projects and end up abandoning them and rugging their communities. These traits are seen among some Polkadot and Kusama ecosystem NFT collections. Today, I will share my three favourite NFT collections with use cases on Dotsama.


Youdles is an NFT collection by the Invarch and Tinkernet team. It is a composable collection where users can add or remove features and accessories to customize their Youdles. Each Youdle has base features and accessories that can be traded or changed.

Youdles will be registered as IP assets on Invarch and undergo cross-chain authentication (XCA) to ensure a plagiarism-resistant collection and alert the teams when NFTs with similar properties are created.

A Youdle gives access to the YoudleDAO, a community-controlled DAO with an on-chain multilayered governance structure. YoudleDAO will support teams and incubate projects as it intends to provide development, design, marketing, and networking services to these projects. The plan is to accept a project every 6–12 months and offer the above-listed services resulting in more innovative projects in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.

The DAO will utilize the DAOist community development kit (CDK) being developed by the Invarch team, bringing real decentralization to the DAO compared to other DAOs with a general head. The DAOist CDK utilizes Discord as a UI where a bot written in smart contracts owns the server. The Youdles are used for server governance, making it completely decentralized and autonomous. The DAOist CDK is an innovative development that utilizes tech from Invarch and Phala’s Phat contracts. The DAO will also have an on-chain reputation system using a non-transferable NFT, which provides transparency on members’ influence.

OCIF staking is a feature on Invarch’s Tinkernet that allows teams to stake their IP assets, including ideas, unique creations of images, music, or anything. The Invarch community can support these IP assets by staking their TNKR tokens. This allows the owners of these IP assets to earn enough income to build out their ideas or push their creations further.

YoudleDAO will utilize Tinkernet’s OCIF staking to shore up its treasury, consisting of TNKR tokens from IP staking on OCIF, royalties from the sale of Youdles, and token allocations from other projects. Holders of Youdles will govern how these funds in the treasury are utilized and what projects to support. Holders can also stake their Youdles for a percentage of TNKR tokens the DAO will receive through IP staking. Its members govern the DAO and decide the usage of the treasury, projects to take in, developments to the DAO, and more.

Initially, Youdle tickets were sold in 3 categories. These included gold tickets, silver tickets, and bronze tickets. These tickets were then burnt, and owners of gold tickets had the choice of deciding how their Youdle would look and the accessories that came with it. Silver ticket owners can pick two custom features and one custom accessory on their Youdle. For bronze ticket owners, burning tickets generated a Youdle with random features and accessories. Rainbow items and banners were also sold. These items increase the owner’s community reputation.

Holders of Youdles have different roles based on the category of Youdles they possess. Those holders with custom NFTs have greater access and higher voting powers than semi-custom and randomly generated Youdles. Those with Custom NFTs are regarded as Creatooooors on Discord, while those with semi-custom NFTs and randomly generated NFTs are regarded as Moderatooooors and Memboooooors, respectively.

The launch of OCIF staking is expected sometime in March and will see the treasury start to earn. The completion and implementation of the DAOist CDK on YoudleDAO will revolutionize how DAOs are structured, with YoudleDAO being the first of such DAOs.

There are 1000 Youdles, with a possible extension of that number expected. Youdles allows you to become part of these exciting technologies built by the Invarch team and join in building more exciting projects for Dotsama.

While OCIF staking accelerates the activities of Youdles, there are ideas to extend the collection to get in new members with Youdles2, the You token, and a Youdletown. This will take shape after being voted on by the community. You can follow the progress of Youdles on the roadmap.

Youdles can be accessed on Singular and bought with KSM. It currently has a floor price of 3.76 KSM for a naked Youdle (without accessories and features). Various features and accessories, including a face, chest, arms, shirts, backgrounds, and more equipable, are also available on Singular.

Kusama Kingdom

The Kusama Kingdom consists of 3 main NFT collections; The Kusama Kings, Kusama Queens, and the royal babies. The Kusama Kingdom collections are OG NFTs on the Kusama network and use the RMRK NFT standard. Created by KBL, a certified account, and Racheal, a digital artist, it funds new and innovative projects on Polkadot and Kusama. The Kings collection consists of 110 kings of varying rarities. The collection was launched in October 2021 and raised roughly $1 million in sales of its NFTs through a traditional English auction model. Members span creators and executives from Web3, DeFi, and NFTs. The governance of the Kusama Kings includes KBL (permanent member) and 2 Kings elected by other members, who serve for 90 days and can only be re-elected after a gap term passes. The Kusama Queens also have a collection of 110 queens of varying rarities, and the Queens’ governance follows a similar method as the Kings.

The Kusama Kingdom possesses the 7th biggest DOT nomination pool, an Astar Degen NFT, and lands on the BitCountry metaverse. It has recently shown interest in participating in Astar’s builder’s program to own a dApp (The Royal Raffle dApp), where rewards from dApp staking are used to seed fund newer and more innovative projects on Astar. Let’s see the utilities of the Kings and Queens;

  1. Access to the Great Hall, where discussions around crowdloans and other projects on Kusama and Pokadot are discussed.
  2. KingPad: The KingPad serves as a platform for raising funds to participate in the seed and private funding of innovative projects. Every holder of a Kusama King or Queen can participate in this funding. Kings and Queens of the Kusama Kingdom have had the opportunity to participate in the financing of Talisman and Ajuna Network, notable projects in the Polkdot and Kusama ecosystems.
  3. A King or Queen NFT is a ticket to real word meetups where Kings and Queens congregate and discuss. Some of the previous meetups have occurred in Croatia and Amsterdam.
  4. Kings bounty and the Queen’s jewels: The King’s bounty is a $110,000 investment fund exclusive to the Kusama Kings. The only requirement to earn from this bounty is to own a Kusama King. No funds have been raised for this bounty. 70% of the funds are reinvested, 20% is shared equally amongst all kings (Kings who own the sword NFT earn 2X), 5% for the King’s council, and 5% amongst advisers who bring alpha and investment ideas for the bounty. KBL and council members supervise the investments of the King’s bounty to ensure maximum returns. The Queen’s jewels is a $110,000 DeFi fund exclusive to the Queens, with 30% of the income generated reserved for the Queens. KBL and 2 elected royal farmers also supervise this.
  5. Holders with a King and Queen can purchase a ring on Singular and burn the ring to acquire a royal baby. Royal babies are uniquely customized and take the DNA from King and Queen.

Holding a king or a queen also ensures whitelists and airdrops from projects on the ecosystem and art from members. The collection will always remain at 110. According to Vampsy’s report, the Kusama Kings are among the highest revenue-generating NFT project, with an average of $8000 generated per NFT. Rather than a community of shillers and flippers, the Kusama Kings have cultivated a healthy sphere of holders who can contribute immensely to the growth of projects on Polkadot and Kusama.

The King’s collection has seen a volume of over 5200 KSM and currently has a floor price of 110 KSM on Singular.

The Queen’s collection has seen volumes over 4700 KSM and currently has a floor price of 90 KSM on Singular.

Algemantis Nautilus Pass NFT

Algem is a liquid staking and lending platform on the Astar network. Primarily, they help users stay liquid while staking their Astar tokens by issuing nASTR at 1:1 for each Astar staked. The nASTR can be utilized in pursuing other yields or sold when quick liquidity is required, as unstaking on the Astar network takes over 10 ERAs(10 days). ALGM is the token of the Algem platform, and the launch of these tokens is expected soon. Algem, in December, released their first NFT collection, called Algemantis. Different chapters of Lore introduce new use cases for these NFTs. The collection features 7885 unique NFTs of varying rarities with various use cases, some connected to Algem’s liquid lending. These use cases include:

  1. Discounts on Algem’s liquid staking and lending fees.
  2. APR booster for liquid lending.
  3. ALGM incentives.
  4. Private NFTs and token airdrops(0.5% of ALGM supply earmarked for holders).
  5. Access to private groups on Algem’s Discord.

The collection is listed on TofuNFT and has a floor price of 1850 ASTR and a volume of over 7.9k ASTR.

These selections comprise my favourite NFT collections with essential utilities spanning DeFi, project funding and development in the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems.


Say hello to YoudleDAO

Tinkernet’s OCIF staking

YoudleDAO Discord server

Kusama Kingdom

Vampsy’s Kings and Queen makers in the Kusama Kingdom


The Royal Raffle dApp




I love the Polkadot and Kusama Ecosystems and I write about projects that everyone should be looking at